CranioSacral Therapy
CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle yet powerful technique that is effective in releasing pain and imbalances within the body and the mind. It works by optimizing the movement of the cerebrospinal fluid that runs through the spine and around the skull. This healing modality has proven to be quite effective in restoring one’s overall health and promoting a better sense of being. It allows the ability for one's body to begin to heal itself.
CST has been shown to alleviate a wide range of conditions, including traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries, migraine headaches, chronic fatigue, motor-coordination impairments, chronic neck and back pain, scoliosis, central nervous system disorders, temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ), stress and tension-related problems, and orthopedic problems. While the focus of CST is to uncover the source of the problem, symptom relief also is achieved. The length of time and number of sessions needed is extremely variable and depends, among other factors, on the complex layers of injury and trauma that may mask the original cause of the problem as well as the body’s defense mechanisms. Due to its gentleness and effectiveness, many people include CST as a component in their personal wellness programs. They report having more energy, sleeping better and being sick less often.
CranioSacral Therapy for Head Trauma
Have you been experiencing incessant headaches due to trauma from an accident or possible post concussion symptoms? Are these symptoms keeping you away from truly enjoying the life that you deserve to be living? These frequent and reoccurring headaches coupled with possible feelings of dizziness and often depression have been limiting your opportunity to feel joy and balance in your life. There are days and possibly moments in time when you feel a sense of clarity and then it is taking away from you. There are parts of you that remember those times when you were headache free and felt that inner balance beyond the lingering feeling that you were going to become impacted once again by the sudden pains in your head. Without assistance, you may continue to feel these lingering affects for months and possibly years down the road from now. I help people who have gone through head traumas due to accidents or sports injuries. I am trained in CranioSacral therapy and somatic emotional release which are used to ease the pressure around the brain and also assist with any impact that may have been caused by the direct trauma to head or other parts of the body. Hear an interview with Daniel McCrossin and Gabe Piselli as they discuss the work Dan did with Gabe around his spinal cord injury and recovery.